Games without frontiers - Peter Gabriel - 80sneverend - Genius ohne Grenzen

Genius ohne Grenzen

Peter Gabriel – Games without frontiers

Games without frontieres. Really, nobody forgot this glamorous tv-show! Dear Dinosaurs, exactly 30 years ago maybe we spent afternoons partying in the swimming pools. Actually, in a remote village in the middle of Europe, something memorable happened. In fact, a handful of countries signed some documents which really impacted our lives of today: the Schengen Agreements.
But of course someone forecasted everything in great advance! After all, it’s all about games without frontiers!!!! Trois, deau, un… fiiiiitttt !!!!! And the Netherlands played the joker nearly in every game!

It's a knockout
If looks could kill,
They probably will
In games without frontiers
War without tears
#PeterGabriel #GamesWithoutFrontiers

Peter Gabriel

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