Electrica salsa - OFF - 80sneverend - A genius on the mike

Genius on the mike

OFF – Electrica Salsa

The new age sound is on the move
I give you now the second groove.
Don't have to ask you to give up
you'll do it on your own.
#OFF #ElectricaSalsa

In the first weeks of August 1987, the charts across half of Europe welcomed a song that gives us the opportunity to talk about one of the greatest DJs and producers of the last decades. The great resident DJs of the most important clubs in Europe have certainly seen their golden age starting probably in the 90s or 2000s, when it also became easier for young people to move around, perhaps even for a single night of party abroad. But the first great DJ obviously had a fantastic career in the 80s.

The name of Sven Väth is quite famous today, in the 80s it was a little less so, but he was the first great DJ who gave birth to legendary parties, from his hometown Frankfurt to Ibiza, with thousands of people in the streets because they could no longer enter the discos. But Sven as well as being a talent of console and organization (and marketing) was also a pioneer of techno and dance music, and he founded several groups with different projects.

The most famous is undoubtedly the one that saw the light in mid-1987, the perfect boost for the summer parties. The full name of this project was Organisation For Fun, with the “s” like in the British spelling. If you have not yet recognized him, I can also tell you that he actually appeared with only the initials of the group, that is OFF, generally written in capital letters. The unforgettable project from which the fantastic Electrica Salsa was born, also referred to as Electrica Salsa (Baba Baba).

At that time OFF was considered a single artist, but in reality the great Sven was not alone in this project, indeed he was accompanied by two amazing artists! Yes, because his partners were Luca Anzilotti and Michael Münzing, two producers who a few years later, in 1989, will be the founders of Snap! (with the exclamation point like Wham!), who will really write the history of 90s dance thanks to hits like The Power and Rhythm is a Dancer. In short, we are out of the 80s, but always absolutely in the history of dance!

Electrica Salsa was the classic irresistible song, the one for which it is impossible to stand still. Despite a somewhat bizarre text, it had an obsessive refrain supported by a fast-paced rhythm and atmospheres with clear Caribbean references, starting from the title. It was basically the evolution of the summer smash, a sort of Vamos a la Playa with the electronics of four years later, and with the DJ setting of Sven Väth instead of Righeira’s artistic talent.

It was obviously a success. The video was quite basic and not even particularly inspiring, but let’s say that Electrica Salsa was mainly a song to listen to … and to dance to! Babaaaa Babaaaaaa …..

OFF on Wikipedia

The new age sound is on the move
I give you now the second groove.
Don't have to ask you to give up
you'll do it on your own.
#OFF #ElectricaSalsa

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