Love comes quickly - Pet Shop Boys - 80sneverend - Sad and lonely?

Sad and lonely? Nobody loves you?

Pet Shop Boys – Love comes quickly

'Cause when you least expect it
Waiting round the corner for you
Love comes quickly, whatever you do
You can't stop falling (Ooh ooh)
#PetShopBoys #LoveComesQuickly

No worry! Love comes quickly, in 1986 and today; Pet Shop Boys couldn’t be wrong!! In fact, they released this song at the end of February 1986, and the hit did not have an easy fate. It came after the huge success of “West End Girls”, released almost a year earlier, which really climbed all the charts.

That song really imposed Pet Shop Boys to the world of the 80s, from the first single of their first album. So “Love comes quickly” was a bit of a test, and we can say that the hit did the job. It also set the expectations for Pet Shop Boys’ first album “Please”, which would soon prove to be a true masterpiece.

The video was also quite minimalist, with no particular sets or shots. An important thing about this song was the cover of the single, where Chris appears with an iconic hat that would later become one of the symbols of the Pet Shop Boys. Knowing Neil’s accuracy, this detail was certainly not random, and had a precise meaning.

Summary: “Love comes quickly” didn’t quite make it to the top of the charts, but confirmed to the world that Pet Shop Boys were a fantastic group, and had a lot more to say. And after so many years, they are still absolute icons of the 80s!

Pet Shop Boys on Wikipedia

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