Scandal - Queen - 80sneverend - A perpetual scandal

A perpetual scandal

Queen – Scandal

A couple of months after the release of “The Invisible man“, on Oct 9, 1989, the Queen released a new single and a new video. “Scandal” was the fourth release from the album “The Miracle”, after “I want it all“, “Breakthru” and, as we said, “The invisible man”.

The title needs no comment. Brian May, author of the song, was upset for the exaggerate unwanted attention by British tabloid press. They focused on the Queen and gossiped daily about them for two main reasons.

Brian May recently divorced from his first wife, and started a relationship with an actress, whom he will marry about ten years later. And of course gossip press was chasing after him. What made him really angry was the fact that in about 15 years of musical career, the tabloid never focused on Queen for their music, but were now speculating on them for private stories.

Then, of course, there was Freddie Mercury. Nobody was really publicly aware of his disease, and Queen were constanly denying any assumption about it. But it’s a fact: after every video, after every public appearance, Freddie’s look was making people more and more concerned every day. In the previous videos he had grown a beard to hide the first marks of his disease, but in this video he definitely appears gaunt, dark. His smile has changed, we have a feeling he lost some teeth. When we see his full body, his legs appear really thin, and he seems to have lost the agility he showed on Live Aid stage, just four years before.

Tabloid were chasing him, and they even put microcameras at his window in order to catch him assuming therapies of pills.

All this unwanted attention unchained the group’s rage, and through this song thwy succeeded in highlighting the nasty treatment they wesre subjected to every single day.

Scandal - now you've left me all the world's gonna know
Hey scandal, they're gonna turn our lives into a freak show
They'll see the heart-ache, they'll see our love break
They'll hear me pleading, we'll say for God's sakes
#Queen #Scandal

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