Take me to your heart - Rick Astley- 80sneverend - Nice try, but try again!

Nice try, but try again!

Rick Astley – Take me to your heart

“Take me to your heart” represents a sort of second try after a good first attempt. You know, you try again, and it gets better. In November 1988 Rick Astley released his second album, “Hold me in your arms”. A couple of months before he had already released the first single out of this album, “She wants to dance with me“. I mean, it had success, but I dare say it did not reach the fame of other Rick’s songs like “Never gonna give you up“, “Whenever you need somebody“, or “Together forever“.
But Rick did not lose his focus, and released this second single. And here we have a mystery because, we know, Stock Aitken and Waterman’s songs were often similar, with similar music, similar words, similar videos… But it’s a fact that this song is really good, and in fact it was really successful! Maybe due to the thousands jackets he wore during the video? Yet, Rick never released it in the U.S. – so strange!!

Are we lovers
Or only just friends
Come tomorrow
Will I be lonely again
#RickAstley #TakeMeToYourHeart

Rick Astley

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