Pink Floyd Archives - 80sneverend
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The wall of years

Pink Floyd – Another brick in the wall

Shifting to a new decade has always been a special moment in time. At the end of an year with the ending 9, and with the beginning of a new decade, we feel the need to summarize the ten past years in few words,

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Fly to the future

Pink Floyd – Learning To Fly

We, as Eighties’ Dinosaurs, went very often to a cinema during our weekends, and we began to enjoy the show starting from the very long queues outside the rooms, we took the ticket, maybe a coke and… all of a sudden ahe video clip of a beautiful song started,

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More 70s than 80s

Sure, because it’s the birthday of Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour! Today, rather than 80s, we speak about 70s, not only because of Pink Floyd’s success in the 70s, but also because Gilmour turns 70 today! It’s a fact that Pink Floyd influenced so much the music of the 80s: they probably started the whole electro-pop trend of Kraftwerk,

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