Beat dis - Bomb the bass - 80sneverend - See the sunset -

See the sunset

Bomb The Bass – Beat dis

When Beat dis topped the charts, in February 88, it became clear that the 80s were about to end, not only from an historical point of view. Some clues were already clear in the previous years, starting with the experiments of Sigue Sigue Sputnik, then with the worldwide success of Pump up the volume, but in this February we will see a strong trend towards new types of sounds. It will be obsolete to talk about songs, we will need to talk about sounds and rhythm; albums will be replaced by projects, singers, artists and groups will make way to deejays, producers, sound engineers. Pop is making space for house, and then for acid and techno.

Yet these new songs, just to say songs again, were so different, but many were also so cool to listen, and so cool to dance!! And Beat Dis was, in some sense, the song that opened the era of house music.

This is a journey into sound
Stereophonic sound, stereophonic sound
Stereophonic sound for d-d-d-dance music
You play Russian roulette this way
Keep this frequency clear
#BombTheBass #BeatDis

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