T’Pau – Heart and soul
The story of “Heart and soul” really makes you think about. Sometimes it happens that you write a very beautiful song, it’s not so successful, but then someone chooses it for a spot, maybe a denim spot. Then people starts to see the ad, then they start to know your song, and then finally success arrives. It’s Nick Kamen history, you know, but it was also the history of Carol Decker and her T’Pau, from the zone of Shrewsbury on river Severn, not far from Wales, directly to worldwide fame. They were chosen for a denim ad, and in this beginning of September 1987 success arrived! And I think it was a completely dederved success. And, before seeing the video and listening to the song, if you want to know more about Carol and T’Pau, you can always read our interview to Carol Decker.
I used to have a lover with a Midas touch
I turned to gold but he turned to dust
Left me for another, I turned to stone
Now I want your love, heart and soul
#TPau #HeartAndSoul
T’ Pau on Wikipedia
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