The promise you made - Cock Robin - 80sneverend

Promises for Valentine’s Day

Cock Robin – The promise you made

If I gave you my soul
For a piece of your mind
Would you carry me with you
To the far edge of time?
#CockRobin #ThePromiseYouMade

Let’s say that Cock Robin finally kept the promise to follow us for a slice of the ’80s. Certainly an original group, it is impossible not to remember them; their name comes from a story of the 17th-century, “The Marriage of Cock Robin and Jenny Wren”; they were very sophisticated in their music, lyrics and in Anna’s voice, and I must say that I never heard anyone who didn’t like them them, even if they certainly didn’t have oceans of fans like Duran Duran or Spandau Ballet.

On Valentine’s Day 1986, they released in Europe perhaps their most famous song. They had already released it in the United States the previous November, but for some strange reason of the 80s, Cock Robin, formed in Los Angeles, were almost more famous in Europe than in their homeland. A bit like Wang Chung at the time of Dance Hall Days, in short, but the other way round, since they were British and had incredible success in the United States.

The Promise You Made was the second single from their album Cock Robin, that made them famous; the first song, When your heart is weak, had made them known and appreciated. But the success of this song was incredible. This song expresses all the charm of Cock Robin, a group certainly for romantic atmospheres, with the slow rhythms and gentle lyrics of Peter Kingsbery, out of time like certain suits he wore, and with the sweet and sensual voice of Anna LaCazio, American of Italian origins, whose real family name is Loscalzo.

Peter and Anna’s alchemy, along with the other two members of the group, worked very well, and the sound of Cock Robin was truly original and recognizable.

The video was also very evocative: in a very simple village (clearly built in a studio), Peter arrives in a deserted rehearsal room. As time goes on, the other members of the group arrive, Anna begins to sing with him, and scenes of daily life take place in the village outside the recording room. And at the end of the song, it all ends as it began, with the utmost simplicity and naturalness.

Cock Robin’s career, at least in their early line-up, did not last long; before the late 80s two members remained, Peter and Anna, and then decided to embark on solo careers. Peter and Anna reunited at the beginning of the last decade, and for a few years they still played together in many concerts. In 2015, however, their paths parted ways again, when Peter settled in France, and Anna decided to stay in America with her family. Cock Robin still play today, but only Peter Kingsbery remains from the original band.

Cock Robin on Wikipedia

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