The miracle - Queen - 80sneverend - A real miracle

A real miracle

Queen – The Miracle

Queen released “The Miracle” at the end of November 1989. Generally you release the song that names the album as the first single, or maybe the second; in this case they had released the album six months before, and har already released four other singles, “I want it all”, “Breakthru”, “The Invisible Man” and “Scandal”.

It’s a great song, but it’s definitely a great video! Fantastic concept: take four guys, dress them like the Queen, and have them perform like they were the actual group. And the result was gorgeous! The Queen were really surprised by how good the kids looked like them (some of them had also some future in tv shows, years later).

What’s funny, Freddie Mercury once said that they could easily let the four guys perform on tour instead of the real Queen!

To live in perfect harmony
It's a miracle
We're having a miracle on earth
Mother nature does it all for us
#Queen #TheMiracle

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